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RDFox Applications

The use of knowledge-based AI and knowledge graph technology is rapidly becoming prevalent across multiple industry sectors, covering a vast range of applications. Our clients are leveraging the power of RDFox to solve today’s greatest challenges.

Semantic Search and Personal Recommendations with Knowledge Graphs and AI - dark.

One of the biggest frustrations for consumers and business experts alike is the inability to find the precise product or information that they are looking for, only to be recommended products or information that are unhelpful and irrelevant. RDFox delivers accurate results not seen in other AI or conventional technologies.

Regulatory compliance and rules with knowledge graphs and rules-based AI - dark.

Regulated industries, including financial services and healthcare, face increasing pressures to make decisions based on complex rules and regulations. Compliance is vital to protect consumers and institutes alike against financial fraud and cybercrime. RDFox delivers instant decisions and detection based on complex rules and patterns.

Product configuration and compatibility management with a knowledge graph - light image.

Many manufacturers and retailers face the headache of providing customers with compatible product configurations in real-time, whether it is matching furniture or millions of possible permutations of engineered components. RDFox delivers immediate and optimal solutions to turn complex into simple.

Drive autonomous vehicles with knowledge graphs and AI.

Whether piloting a car, truck, aircraft, or boat, a challenge facing all autonomous systems is the ability to make the correct and immediate decision every time. Speed of thought is critical in any autonomous vehicle application, and RDFox’s advanced reasoning and on-device capabilities provide the brain of a safe, explainable and accurate platform.

RDFox support data management and can import and export in many formats via the shell, UI or API - dark.

Over the last decade, the abundance of data has become a obstacle in and of itself. Today, the true challenge lies around consolidation and analysis—finding valuable knowledge in a sea of information. RDFox does exactly that, enabling rapid data integration and advanced analysis.